2022-09-08 12:24 AM
2022-09-08 12:39 AM
St provides a motor control workbench and a motor profiler, there is a chance your specific board is not supported, meaning that you need to add up all the details from EVSPIN32G4NH by hand, tedious but possible
2022-09-08 12:44 AM
thing look good for you , the stm32g431 is supported in the FOC library
2022-09-08 12:56 AM
Hello Javier, Thanks for the quick response!
How do i add the STM32G431 to the library in th workbench ?
2022-09-09 12:47 AM
If your eval board is not supported by default you can click and write all parameters manually
2022-09-09 12:48 AM
2022-09-09 02:27 AM
That video shows the v5 SDK. What about the current (v6.0.0) SDK? The current SDK has a 'custom' option which only allows combining a handful of pre-defined evaluation boards. Once selecting the closest options there's no way to reconfigure most things (such as exact MCU, pin assignments, or even input voltage ratings).
Is the current SDK really only for toying with a few eval boards?