2024-03-19 6:38 PM
Good day sir, i want to ask about pwm duty cycle sir. I have a coustem board with input 220vac, after dioda rectifier become 310v, but my motor only aceptable 200v. So how to control duty cycle of the pwm on HIN and LIN input sir? So i want used only 60-70% of duty cycle, so the output avarage i getting around 190-210v sir. Iam not see on the mc worckbench, only see the pwm frequency sir. Thank u somuch:folded_hands:.
Or do u have any ide of this?? Or must be use transfomator?? Because i see ac servo drive without transfomator. Only input ac220v with dioda rectifier sir. Thank u:folded_hands:
Iam using board stm32 g341.
And i used internal opamp. I will used 3shunt, but i see only 2 opamp are use. Opamp1&2, and also only 2 output are use. So how about 1 more output?? It not using sir??
I see on mcworckbench dokumentation also same, e see schematic of stm b g431 esc1 same also only 2 outpur are use. Three sunt on lowside.
Image are present.