2023-10-09 3:18 AM
I refer here:https://wiki.stmicroelectronics.cn/stm32mcu/wiki/STM32MotorControl:How_To_manually_configure_the_motor_parameters
Below is the profiler's result. Ke=9.59 Vrms/kRPM.
Below is my owm test.
Vpp=13.6v,pole pairs=5,fbemf=83.33Hz. Ke=(13.6*5*1000)/(2√2*83.33*60)=4.8085 Vrms/kRPM.
I wonder if I chose the wrong frequency?Is it between point A and point B or pointA and pointC?Thanks.
2023-10-10 2:08 AM
Hello @gtop.1,
The frequency you chose is correct. I would be more in favor of definition issue regarding the pole pairs number to explain your factor 2 difference between the profiler output and your computation.
2023-10-11 1:20 AM
My motor ' poles is 10 (pole pairs is 5). Do you mean that calculate the Ke should use the poles not pole pairs?
2023-10-11 4:44 AM
If you look at this documentation How To manually configure the motor parameters - stm32mcu
Paragraph 2 Pole pair (number) parameter .
It is stated :
So if you have 10 stable positions, then your pole pairs number must be 10.
2023-10-11 8:27 PM
Unfortunately, it have 5 stable positions.This confuses me and I don't know what the problem is.
2023-10-19 9:30 PM
Is there any other possibility?
2023-10-20 1:17 PM
Could you describe accurately how did you generate the oscilloscope dump ?
How did you spin your motor for instance ?
2023-10-31 9:37 AM
Hello @gtop.1,
No news ?
how did you spin your motor to generate your waveform, did you plug it to any electronic other than the scope ?
2024-10-28 8:08 AM
I have the exact same challenge.
I use this method to find that my motor have 5 poles pairs: How To manually configure the motor parameters - stm32mcu
Then I use an external motor to turn my test unit to 403 rpm to measure the Vp-p of 4.02V and a frequency of 66.7Hz.
When using the equation I got a Ke of 1.78 Vrms/kRPM
Which mean that if I turn the motor at 403 rpm I shoud get a rms voltage of : 1.78*403/1000 = 0.717Vrms or 2.03Vpp... wich mean I have half the real voltage. (of 4.02V stated above)
Are you sure that the equation do not miss a factor '2' somewhere?
2024-10-28 8:39 AM
Hello YanV,
At 403rpm, a 5 pole pairs motor should have a Bemf frequency of ~33.6Hz, not 66.7Hz (403/60*5 = 33.6).
Are you sure that you have the correct pole pair number ?
Another way to check your motor's pole pair number is to make it run in Open Loop at a defined electrical speed and count the number of seconds for the motor to make a turn.
Example : I make my motor run at 0.1Hz electrical (10s for an electrical turn), and it takes 20 secs to make a turn => pp = N_el / N_mec = T_mec / T_el = 20/10 = 2