2020-07-08 6:35 PM
Ran Motor Profiler, Created new project in MotorControlWorkbench, Generated code for STM32CubeIDE, built application with no errors, run debugger which shows download successfully.
Switch back to motor control workbench and successfully connect, when I click on "start motor"
I get the following error "Communication is closed, the board doesn't response correctly" and the board disconnects.
2020-07-17 7:04 AM
I wonder if you made the same mistake I did with the workbench tool, i.e. didn't notice the connect button (the icon looks like a two-prong plug). After choosing the right COM port (#4 in my case) and clicking the connect button, the workbench was able to talk to the motor.
But how the heck did you get the Motor Profiler to work. Mine fails every ... single ... time. :(
2020-07-27 2:38 AM
I got the motor profiler to work but I think it's totally useless, the main reason for using the profiler would be the advantage of having the PID controllers autotuned however in my case they were totally wrong. So if I have to tune the controller manually why should I use the profiler?! I suggest you simply insert the values manually using the motor datasheet
2020-07-27 7:38 AM
If I had a datasheet for the motor I would do so. Unfortunately I'm using salvaged motors with no identifying marks, so I have no way to find the datasheets.
2020-10-06 6:07 AM
Dear @RTrev.1
Do you need help to estimate resistances, inductances and others characteristics?
Best regards
Laurent Ca...
2020-10-06 6:41 AM
I can measure resistance with a multimeter, and knowing the voltage I can obviously estimate maximum current. Not sure if that would allow me to also estimate inductance. My hope for using the profiler was to generate a profile that I could then use in projects for experimenting with FOC. I have yet to get it to work and have lost interest in using the board.
Do you have access to case #00112422? I haven't received a response on that since August 12th.
2020-10-06 7:35 AM
Dear @RTrev.1
I don't understand what is the case #[00112422]
Please send me a link.
Best regards
Laurent Ca...
2020-10-06 7:46 AM
After receiving no help via the forum, I opened a support ticket. The case # is 00112422. Since you are an ST employee, I thought you might have access to that. If not, so be it. I'll just throw the board in the trash and move on.
2020-10-07 2:24 AM
Dear @RTrev.1
I do not have access to support cases but only to eventual internal tickets.
If there is a corresponding ticket and if you can obtain the ID number then I can have a look on.
Best regards
Laurent Ca...
2020-10-07 6:11 AM
Here's the subject line of the most recent case update notification. Does that help?
Case# 00112422 has been updated. [ref:_00Db0000000YtG6._5003W000003aY4E:ref]