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Hi, I Use NUCLEOF446RE and X-NUCLEO-IHM08M1 for running a motor. It works for a motor with 24V power supply. But however, if I use 36V power supply and run motor profiler to estimate the parameters. It fails to rotate. Need Suggestions?

Associate III

When Motor profiler is used to test the motor for its parameters, it keeps on checking with the possible current (18A, 14A, 9A, 6A, etc..). After sometime a message popup "Speed measurement takes too long time". I don't know the reason behind this. If same motor is used with 24V power supply, motor profiler works and able to run the motor using motor control workbench.

Associate III

Hi Cedric,

Yes I tried using Start-up parameters and even reduce current ramp ( final current ramp as 2A and current ramp final as 4A )compared to the 24v (6A and 8A). but still the fault exists (over current detection) in monitor screen when click "Start Motor".

Ondrej HOLY
ST Employee



You have to have in mind that the FW for Motor Profiler (MP) is a bit specific and it is a bit difficult to prepare it for all kinds of motors.

I recommend to you reduce the used current for profiling and fit relevant maximum speed of motor.

The MP use this two values (Current and speed) and generate a start-up ramp for motor acceleration. If MP detect Over Current or not successful start-up then it change them and try the start again. It is pre programed in a steps, but you can find direct condition what can be better.


The standard FOC FW use the current controllers. It provide to motor only requested current what is limited by a current selected as a motor maximum. You can modify it.

I do not see any problem to used this HW setup (NUCLEOF446RE + X-NUCLEO-IHM08M1) with MC Workbench at 36V or a bit more. The limit of Power Board 48V is a real limit of embedded components an it is not recommended to run motor at 48V. You have to be careful when you will use motor with big inertia or feature flux weakening to do not destroy power board during braking (loosing of control) to do not overstress power board by high B-emf voltage.

I am not sure what motor parameters are. For example low inductance and / or resistance motor can generate big current peaks during connecting. If motor has big inertia then it request high torque (current) for start-up, but if it is not possible to provide it by Power Board or if it not accepted by motor due to high resistance or inductance then start-up must be longer with slower acceleration ramp.

Have a nice day, Ondrej

Associate III

Hi @cedric H​ ,

Has the limit been increased ?? Because we need to test the motor at 36V. So we need to estimate the parameters using motor profiler which is previously not working at 36V