2022-05-01 6:54 AM
My motor can spin with profiler and MCWB, it's sensored so I don't need to setup the startup parameters, then generate the source code and import into CUBEIDE, copy the MCWB generated PID Gains values, build and debug, suppose if I press the little SW1 button, it will spin, but unfortunately NOT !
I can use on-board's potential meter ADC as hFinalSpeed value for MC_ProgramSpeedRampMotor1() command.
I can make small I-PMSM single pole pair motor spin, however when replace with bigger motor e.g. 6 inch 6 pole pair SM-PMSM motor, I couldn't make it spin and strange thing was when I increase hFinalSpeed value, motor not start or spin
can anyone help to point out which parameters I should focus to ?
Hardware : G431-ESC-1 board
MCSDK : 5.4.8 (version 6 could not connect with G431-ESC with UART)
Motor :
Pole Pairs : 6
Max. Application Speed : 1980
Nominal Current : 4.00
Nominal DC Voltage : 29.2
Rs : 0.10
Ls : 0.093
B-Emf constant : 7.8
Inertia : 91.730
Friction : 61.938