2020-11-24 11:49 AM
for a project I would like to design a dual BLDC drive based on STM32G4 microcontrollers with FOC algorithm for both BLDC motors.
In a first view STM32G431 with 64 pins and two STSPIN830 and 3 shunt current measurement seem to fulfill the project requirements. Unfortuneatly with the MCSDK I am not able to setup a configuration for the control software with the microcontroller STM32G431.
a) What is the technical background that MCSDK is not able to setup a dual drive with STM32G431 for FOC?
b) Which microcontroller should I consider instead? STM32G474 with 64 pins or 80 pins?
c) Is it possible to use the internal Op-Amps for 3 shunt current measurement (with PGA) in the dual drive configuration?
d) Can I configure a proejct with STM32G474 (128 pins) in MCSDK and run the project on a microcontroller with less pins?
Best regards, Jochen
2020-12-02 6:06 AM
I have just bought the STEVAL-IHM042V1 board which is meant to drive 2 BLDC motors. I have managed to adapt the hardware and create a project with MCWB but this doesn't allow me to drive both the motors simultaneously. I am wondering if I can drive 2 motors but only one at a time or am I doing something wrong?