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Current Sensing "Current mode" option greyed out in MC Workbench

Associate II

Hi there,

I am trying to enable the current measurement feature on my BLDC motor setup, but MC Workbench prevents me from enabling it. I think it is due to mode selection - 6step, instead of FOC, but still, current measurement through shunt resistor + ADC should be allows in 6-step mode as well, right?

My setup is the following:
- Bench 12VDC power supply (5A limited current)

- Nucleo-F401RE MCU board

- X-NUCLEO-IHM16M1 drive board (including 3/1 shunt resistor for current sense)

My version of MC Workbench is 6.3.2
My version of STM32CubeIDE is 1.18.0

Thank you for your help!

Associate III

In 6 - step the current measurement is not required and hence it may have been grayed out.

I understand that it is not "required", however I would like to acquire the current for torque estimation (at the application level). If anyone knows how to bring current measurement along with 6-step mode I would appreciate.

Then you have to generate FOC code and take the current sensing files and then integrate with the 6 step mode program.