2022-11-15 9:26 AM
I have a STEVAL-SPIN3204 board. I have opened the 6step_steval_spin3204 project on the ST motor control workbench, generated the code withe the following parameters using UPDATE button:
STM32CubeMx: 6.5.0
Target Toolchain: Keil MDK-ARM V5
Firmware Package Version: STM32 FW V1.11.3
HAL checked
After opening, building and dowloading the file on the target from keil uvision 5 I cannot open the communication from the ST motor control workbench monitor. I already checked Baud rate on my com port (9600) and on the workbench (9600 too). The communication from STM32 cube programmer is OK. The only thing I modified was to remove bus voltage sensing (Keil linking error if not removed because of not enough memory on MCU) and the ARM compiler that is set to default version 6.
Any idea of what's going wrong ? (PC on windows 7).
Best regards