2024-02-29 1:00 AM
Hi everybody,
First of all I don't have experience in FOC.
I have profiled the motor, and the procedure was succesfully completed.
I use the motor profile to create a FOC project.
When I try to start the motor using the Motor Pilot an Overcurrent Error appen (in both mode speed and torque).
Now in normal motor drive the closed current loop regulate the 3-phases motor current by monitoring the current and comparing it to the setpoint created with torque reference respect
to the electrical motor angle, this means that if no short circuit is present, is not possible to get Overcurrent error.
Now in FOC the electrical angle before the motor start must be generated in some way that is not clear to me.
I try to change some paramiter as suggested in the help of Overcurrent error, but nothing change.
Any try give always Overcurrent error.
Using an osclilloscope to investigate, no current flow to the motor phases but systems give this error.
Board is ok because with 6 step methode everything work correct.
Can someone suggest something ?
Solved! Go to Solution.
2024-03-01 5:40 AM
2024-03-01 7:06 AM
Hello UniRob,
Have the friction and inertia values changed ? If yes, could you try to save the motor with this profiling, and try to make it run as a standard project. Tell me if the OC at start-up still occurs.
Don't worry about the max speed, you can still overwrite it to meet your needs / datasheet via WorkBench afterwards, or even overwrite directly the motor .json file.
2024-03-01 7:28 AM
Hi Geal
the only difference are profiling with 8 pole pair instead of 4 pole pair that give diffente result parametes.
Anyway probably you lost some step.
From my replay of 2024-03-01 12:18 AM the motor is now run (no OC) problem but other problem happen like Over Voltage or Stat up Failure.
2024-03-01 8:06 AM
Hi UniRob,
Sorry I got confused. So to clarify things :
You created a project using your newly profiled motor (8 pole pairs), and now you are able to run the motor. However, you still have Start-up Failures and OverVoltages, am I right ?
At which frequency do the Start-Up Failures occur ? Have you tried tinkering a bit with the Speed PID values ? Do you mind reducing the torque reference at start-up, and increasing the duration ? (Rev-Up tab on MotorPilot GUI) ?
Have you tried running your motor on Open Loop (first voltage then current) mode and get a look at your currents, are they looking good ?
2024-03-04 12:45 AM
Hi Geal,
I use 2 repaly to attach all files.
No, I use the project "1 42PMD 4 Pole FOC" attached using the databook motor data and you can see the result in movie 1.
Profiling the motor with 8 pole pair (see attached picture) the speed data and b-EMF are not complient with original motor data at all, and also using the Motor Profile procedure to dectec pole pair, the result is 4 pole pair.
For Overvoltage error I now understand that appen when I reduce the speed, and no ramp are handle by Motor Pilot using speed cursor, so, of course the motor become a generator an increase the BUS voltage.
Using a ramp Overvoltage error does not happen, but when I try to reverse rotation direction event using a ramp Start-up Failure happen.
Using the motor data profiled in project "2 42PMD FOC Profiled " I get Over Current error (see movie 2).
I'm confuse because the procedure to profile the motor give a result that does'not work but seem work using original motor data.
At the moment the problem is "Start-up Failure" when I reverse the rotation directio from CW to CCW.
2024-03-04 12:46 AM
2025-02-28 9:25 PM
Hi Gael A,
I liked your answers and hope you can help me with my problem which is similar to this one.
I am trying to make a motor controller based on B-G431B-ESC1. I have modified the power and current sensing section of the board. I need to increase the over-current and over-voltage protection and the board's overall current and voltage rating in the firmware. However, I am unable to detect which parts of the firmware need to be changed.
I am using MCSDK-generated firmware for FOC control.
can you suggest something?
2025-03-10 7:49 AM
Hello madhavP,
In order to maintain the forum's health and out of respect for the users that don't need to be updated on a closed subject, I advise you to create a new post explaining your issue in detail, with reference to the post(s) you previously checked. I also suggest to have a look at the How to write a Motor control post to get a response quickly post.
Thank you for your understanding.