2014-06-04 5:09 AM
In UM1052(STM32F0x/F100xx/F103xx/F2xx/F30x/F4xx
PMSM single/dual FOC SDK v3.4) it is written: ''Motor Control Software Development Kit (STSW-STM32100) designed for and to be used with STM32F0x/F100xx/F103xx, STM32F2xx, STM32F302xB/C, STM32F303xB/C and F4xx microcontrollers.The software library implements the Field Oriented Control (FOC) drive of 3-phase Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSM), both Surface Mounted (SM-PMSM) and Internal (I-PMSM). The control of an AC induction motor equipped with encoder or tacho generator is described in the UM0483 user manual.But looking in UM0483 (STM32F103xxAC induction motor IFOCsoftware library V1.0) I have discovered that this pdf uses a different library from the one used in UM1052. I have only downloaded from ST.com STM32 PMSM FOC LIB v3.4 WEB ; which has a folder structure different form the one described in UM0483 .I searched for STM32 FOC Firmware Libraries v1.0 which has ACIM control methods but in vain . Can someone tell me if the firmware intitled ''STM32 PMSM FOC LIB v3.4 WEB '' can controll ACIM motors? And where is the other library ''STM32F103xx AC induction motor IFOC software library V2.0 '' ??? The same UM1052 says I can find it on st.com, but I can't find it.2014-06-30 11:55 PM
Ciao ionut.fasoola
The STM32 PMSM FOC Lib as stated in the name is only of permanet magnet motor (PMSM = pemanent magnet syncronous motors). Unfortunately the STM32F103xx AC induction motor IFOC software library V2.0 is no more in the web so if you require it you have to ask directly to your nearest ST local support. Thank you for your report, now the documentation has been updated. Ciao Gigi2014-07-04 7:56 AM
Thanks for your reply,Gigi
Another question : is there a library for AC induction motors control using STM32?Best regards2014-07-14 1:57 AM
Ciao ionut.fasoola
At the moment the only FW is the STM32F103xx AC induction motor IFOC software library V2.0 and as discussed you have to ask directly to your nearest ST local support. Ciao2021-06-17 7:12 AM
The question has been moved from the "Motor Control Hardware" section to the "STM32 Motor Control" section (the question is about the STM32 MC SDK).
Best regards