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About STSPIN32F0B code for STEVAL-SPIN3204 Keil Compiler issue
Associate II

I download "STSW-SPIN3204" and compile with Keil .When open the project . Warming message shows"FrameworkCubeMX.gpdsc"is missing.

How to solve it?

Laurent Ca...
Lead II


Welcome to the STM32 Community

Could you give more details to the STM32 Community about your setup -the material you use- ?

(HW and also SW: CPU(s), tools and versions, board(s), motor(s) and so on)

And more especially did you use STM32 MC tools (such as MC_suite, STM32 MC Motor Profile, STM32 MC SDK, STM32 MC Workbench, the used example, the origin of the base of your application source code, and so on)?

Best regards
Associate II

Dear Sir,

HW is steval-spin3204 with 18V BLDC motor.

FW is download from ST website ""STSW-SPIN3204"".

IDE is uVision V5.34.0.0.

I just extract the FW and follow the Getting start document to open the multi-project. Then the "FrameworkCubeMX.gpdsc" error message shows and open a window to open the CubeMX.

I think that is some file missing in the Demo FW.

Also , I had installed the MCSDK 5.Y.1 and try the Demo code for SPIN3204 EVB. The process seems good (Generate code-->compiler--->upload to EVB). But I still can't spin my motor. The Motor Pilot tool shows "Over current". I had check all setting with circuit and setting for over current protection and even remove the OCP . But the result still the same OVER CURRENT protect.

MCSDK example name "6S_STEVAL3204_HS_VM"

Please help ,thank you!!!!​