2021-04-29 5:07 AM
The X-NUCLEO-LPM01A PowerShield has a dynamic current range maximum of only 50mA.
This is a long way short of the maximum current found in many STM32 applications; eg.
Particularly annoying is that the PowerShield will simply abort the acquisition when the 50mA limit is exceed; eg, see:
This makes the PowerShield useless in these applications.
Is there any workaround to this?
Even if it just gave an 'out-of-range' value in the logs, that would be preferable - then we could get measurements for all except the peaks using the PowerShield, and only have to find other means to measure the peaks.
2021-04-29 8:43 AM
Hi @Andrew Neil ,
As mentioned in https://www.st.com/content/st_com/en/products/development-tools/software-development-tools/stm32-software-development-tools/stm32-performance-and-debuggers/stm32cubemonpwr.html, ST offers currently 2 solutions that allow users to monitor current.
Also I think that the STM32L562E-DK Discovery kit could be the appropriate solution for your needs.
Moreover a new solution with a highest max current value is currently under development. Due to business reasons we can’t communicate about future availability of this new product.
2021-04-30 2:03 AM
Ah - thanks for that. Worth a look ...
And looking forward to the new product ...
2021-09-13 8:36 AM
At the time of starting this thread, the STM32-LPM01-XN firmware for the X-NUCLEO-LPM01A board was at v1.0.1.
I see that the STM32-LPM01-XN firmware for the X-NUCLEO-LPM01A board is now at v1.0.6.
But I can't see any Release Notes.
Has anything been done about the behaviour on overload?
"Even if it just gave an 'out-of-range' value in the logs, that would be preferable - then we could get measurements for all except the peaks using the PowerShield, and only have to find other means to measure the peaks."
Asked as a separate question:
2021-10-11 10:45 PM
Hi Richard,
where can I download the PowerShield firmware for the STM32L562E-DK?
Did not find anything on www.st.com.
2021-10-12 1:11 AM
@c_dev05 "where can I download the PowerShield firmware for the STM32L562E-DK?"
EDIT: Just realised that I misread, and the following is all about the Host software - not the board firmware. :tired_face:
It should be on the 'Tools & Software' tab of the STM32L562E-DK Product Page:
But, indeed, it isn't:
But you can find it via the X-NUCLEO-LPM01A (the subject of this thread) Product Page:
Or just search for "STM32CubeMonPwr" or "STM32 Cube Power Monitor"
@Richard.Chvr - so why is it not linked from the STM32L562E-DK Product Page ?
2021-10-12 2:54 AM
Hi Andrew, You're right. We just asked to our marketing responsible to update the STM32L562E-DK product page with a link to the powershield Firmware.
Thanks & Regards
2021-10-12 3:03 AM
@PDEFO.1 I Just realised that I misread @c_dev05's post, and all I wrote in my previous post was about the Host software - but @c_dev05 wanted the board firmware. :tired_face:
I also can't see the board firmware on the product page - do you know where that is?
I guess that's covered under 'Demonstration software' in the Data Brief?
2021-10-13 8:32 AM
this is correct. I was looking for the Board firmware.
Today I received the board and there is a firmware for current measurement v1.0.6 installed. If there is no newer version, this is OK.
I want to use this board to measure the current for my own developed PCBA. There is a connector CN20 that can be used for this purpose as written in the schematic for the board:
But I can measure no voltage on Pin 3?
Where can I find documentation how to configure the board for this purpose?
2021-10-13 11:28 AM
That's really nothing to do with this thread - please start a new thread for the unrelated question.