2019-11-14 11:38 AM
I'm trying to use STM32CubeIDE to develop some code on a STM32F031C6 MCU. I've configured the peripherals I want to use but so far the only way I can use the HAL drivers is by reverse engineering each function. There's got to be some kind of documentation for this but I've searched the st.com website and came up dry.
2019-11-14 12:40 PM
2019-11-14 1:12 PM
Thanks, that's what I was searching for. JOOC, how could I have found this on my own?
2019-11-14 1:26 PM
My Google search was "stm32 hal documentation"
2019-11-14 1:32 PM
2019-11-14 2:08 PM
I just go to the given Cube's web folder and then go to the "resources" tab.
There are also .chm files directly in the Cube zipfiles, but those are only doxygen autovomits. Although, that forms the vast majority of those 40MB of the "manual", too.
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