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When I try to open AZURE RTOS USB FS port in Tera terminal it goes in Not responding mode why ?

Associate II


I am working on Nucleo-H745ZIQ board. I try this example

The USB port FS is get detected , In device manager I set the Baudrate 115200 for USB and USART3 and I try to open both port in Tera terminal the USART3 is successfully open in Tera terminal but when try to open USB port in Tera terminal it goes in not responding mode why these happen can you please help me


Hello @MDeva.1​ ,

The Ux_Device_CDC_ACM example works well from my side.

Please double check your tera term configuration.

BeST Regards


I make the same configuration just differnet is my board support the FS mode.Can you please share your code

in github they doesnot provide the cubemx configuration file , which reference is you use for making the configuration in cubemx can you please guide me.