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Using st firmware to control Vienna rectifer

Associate II

I have used eDesignSuite to generate firmware code for my vienna rectifer. I need some more clarity/documentation on implementation of the code. Many things are unclear, such as at start-up, there is a pin dedicated to an relay, which will limit the current by adding an resistor in series with the capacitor. My doubt is, weather the firmware code will itself control this things, or do I need to write seprate code, to precharge the capacitors and avoid inrush current?
The other doubt which I had, is to do with the preconfigured communication pins. where are these used?
I am also not able to understand the DAC pins configured. where are these used again?

I know that ST cannot disclose everything, but atleast there should be proper documentation on the usage of firmware. 



Please help me out, so that I can use this firmware in my project!!!

ST Employee

Hello @suyog800 

When working with firmware generated by a tool like eDesignSuite for a specific application such as a Vienna rectifier, there are often sections of the code that are pre-configured to handle certain hardware functionalities. However, it's also common that you might need to write additional code or modify the existing code to suit your exact hardware setup and requirements. The firmware may or may not include functionality to precharge the capacitors and limit inrush current. This depends on how the code generation tool was configured during the design phase. To determine if this is handled by the firmware, You need to Check any documentation provided by eDesignSuite for details on startup behavior, Look for any functions or routines that mention 'precharge', 'inrush', 'startup', or 'relay' and Check if there are any configuration parameters that you can set which relate to startup behavior. If the functionality is not included, you will need to write the code to control the relay and handle the precharging of the capacitors.
For the second point, Preconfigured communication pins are typically used for interfacing with other devices or for debugging purposes. Common uses include: I2C/SPI: For communicating with sensors or other integrated circuits, CAN Bus: In automotive or industrial applications for robust communication between devices.
To understand their use: Schematic Review: Check the hardware schematic to see what devices are connected to these pins, Code Review: Look at the firmware to see how these pins are being used. There may be initialization code for communication peripherals.
For the DAC pins, In a Vienna rectifier, they might be used for: Control Feedback: To provide a reference voltage for control loops, Test Signals: To output test signals for calibration or diagnostics.
To understand their use: Check the Application: Determine what analog signals might be necessary for your application. Review the Code: Look for any DAC initialization code and where the DAC outputs are being updated.