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USBX MSC + USBX CDC + FileX + LevelX + SPI NOR Flash

Associate II


I'm working on a project which includes: W25Q32 (NOR Flash), File system and USB MSC + CDC on STM32U0 series MCU - STM32U073RCT6.

Till now, I've implemented these:
- SPI setup and communication with the NOR Flash (W25Q32)
- For the file-system part, I tried to do it using the FileX but couldn't find relevant resources for "FileX + NOR Flash + SPI + STM32U0 series MCU". So, I found this (FatFS + W25Qxx) and implemented the same for my MCU as well. And able to create and mount the file system, create folder, text file and able to scan the disk.
- Next for the USB part, I've seen some articles and videos, implemented CDC-ACM using USBX and my laptop (USB host) is able to load the appropriate driver for my MCU (USB device) and able to perform CDC-ACM i.e tested by sending some random text from MCU to laptop.
- Now, I want to implement the MSC part as well. But the thing is, I think it'll become difficult to integrate all these: FatFS on W25Q32, USBX CDC and this MSC part.

- So, can any provide me any suggestions on how to move forward and provide some references if any? 

Once again specifying me requirements:

- Basically, I'm working on a Temperature Datalogger. For every certain interval, the temperature sensor will collect data and store it in internal SRAM.
- And after storing some points on SRAM, I move the data to internal Flash.

- And then, in the end (after certain data points) I want to move all the data from internal flash to external flash memory.

- I'm using w25q32 which is a NOR Flash memory. I've implemented SPI communication with this.

- And then instead of using FileX + LevelX, I used an external FatFS library and done the file system part and created a folder (and a text file in it)

- Now, these things are left:

1) Moving data from internal flash to W25Q32 NOR Flash

2) Formatting this data into a CSV file and keeping it inside a folder in w25q32 using the FatFS library I used above

3) And then the USB part i.e When I plug-in the device via USB into the laptop, I should be able to see the CSV file.