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Trouble to implement Azure example for board B-L4S5I-IOT01A to Stm32CubeIDE

Associate II


Recently I have been trying to implement an example from ST where data is sent telemetry to Azure. The problem is that Stm32CubeIDE did not generate Netxduo / addons / azure_iot. I am trying to manually add this folder but there are a lot of errors regarding includes and in the example I do not see these folders and files, although in some files they have #include "nx_azure_iot_json_reader.h" which is part of azure-sdk-for-c. If you have any ideas where you need to select somewhere in Stm32CubeIDE to generate this file, please give me advice.

Link to example:

Stm32CubeIDE version: 1.8

Haithem Rahmani
ST Employee


you are initializing several IPs alongside the WiFi Module, are you sure that there isn't any PIN conflict in your settings?



Associate II

@Haithem Rahmani​ 

i copied files from this project: so i trust that the project is without errors.

The problem seems to be related with SysTick.

Associate II
Haithem Rahmani
ST Employee

First of all could you check that the WiFi module is correctly working, try the example below.


@Haithem Rahmani​ 

Okey so i fix it and now its working but i have problem with add extra charts with datas from different sensors because a little bit don't understand code. If you have some time to explain couple of things how to add extra chart, i will be thankful

link to my project:

well! I don't have any idea on this as this is Azure cloud related.

official Microsoft documentation may help.

@Haithem Rahmani​ 

Unfortunately, from what I can deduce from the code, all chart title settings, label x, y are set in the code, also if you know someone else who knows this, I would ask for some contact or let him write here.

Associate II

I create a AZURE RTOS project for stm32h723 nucleo board with latest IDE, H7 and AZURE sdk. I couldnt get the "Netxduo/addons/azure_iot" to my custom code from select component section of tool, I guess there is a bug on STM32CUBEIDE.

Is there any workaround for that?




I had the same issue and I fixed that by adding manually this package. I had a lot of work but I recommend you download one of these package, choose a project to Stm32CubeIDE then find the folder where is azure_iot and finally copy it to your project and add a path to the linker. I believe that this file (azure_iot) is a general file for any microcontroller and you can copy that peacefully and configure on your own. I hope that it will help you
