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The difference between demo project and the project from stm32cubemx in B-G474E-DPOW1?

Associate III

I used the project in B-G474E-DPOW1, named "USB-PD_Consumer_1port" as usb pd sink, everthing is ok. However, I create the project with the params from "USB-PD_Consumer_1port" just without the usart trace, the new project can't run normal, got error in “pe set�? in " CHECK_PE_FUNCTION_CALL(USBPD_PE_Init(USBPD_PORT_0, (USBPD_SettingsTypeDef *)&DPM_Settings[USBPD_PORT_0], &DPM_Settings[USBPD_PORT_0], &dpmCallbacks));

". var DPM_Settings and DPM_Settings are the same as the demo project.

btw, I diff the user code in src folder between two project, almost same except the trace code.

Anyone can give more information or clue for this error? thanks.

Yohann M.
ST Employee


Possible errors behind PE_Init are mainly linked to malloc erros (USBPD_MALLOCERROR). It can be linked to heap size allocated in the project is too small. You may increase this size (0x500 for instance).


hello, I debuged it, and this is USBPD_ERROR.​

What is the size of your heap? Please try to increase the heap size and let me know it it works or not!