We could find examples in STM32cubeG0 package:https://github.com/STMicroelectronics/STM32CubeG0/tree/master/Projects/STM32G081B-EVAL/Applications/USB-PD/USB-PD_Consumer_1port
Dear @ssara.1 I don't have any ideas why it does not work with this workspace (I did not find any differences between a working workspace and your workspace on UI side)Anyway, It seems working in doing the following steps:close CubeIDEEdit the file ...
Hello @ssara.1 You should see this lib into your linker command:arm-none-eabi-gcc -o "USB-PD_Provider_1port.elf" @"objects.list" -l:USBPDCORE_PD3_FULL_CM0PLUS_wc32.a -mcpu=cortex-m0plus -T"....Applications\USB-PD\USB-PD_Provider_1port\STM32CubeIDE\S...
Dear @RHelv.1 UCPD_TX_ORDSETR is to set the Ordered sets type managed by the HW like EOP/CRC (K-code sequence before the data) and you should indicate in the UCPD_TX_PAYSZ, the size of the packet.Simple scenario to send a SOP data (defined in 'USBP...