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system_stm32L5xxx.c duplicate file after changing settings in <project>.ioc

Harvey White
Senior III

creating a project (say from an existing *.ioc file), the first few times work well, but I use either Azure or FreeRTOS, both situations produce identical results.

After a bit, I get 9 errors, all because of duplicate definitions or routines.

For an L5 project, there is now a file in *both* locations:

1) core\src\system_stm32L5xxx.c

2) DRIVERS\CMSIS\DEVICE\ST\STM32L5XX\Source\Templates\system_stm32L5xxx.c

Keeping both obviously results in errors. Which one is the valid file and therefore which should I keep?

I've been deleting the file under DRIVERS\CMSIS.......

Oh, CubeIDE 1.10.1, windows 10, happens eventually seemingly regardless of processor, does not seem to happen if no operating system is chosen.

Harvey White
Senior III

I need to point out that the file in core\src is an actual file and the file under DRIVERS is a link. Deleting the link removes the 9 errors and allows the project to compile.

Ghofrane GSOURI
ST Employee

Hi @Harvey White​ 

First let me thank you for posting.

I tried to reproduce the same behavior you encountered but it works fine from my side.

To be able to push further the analysis could you please provide a minimal project which show the problem.

I'll be waiting for your feedback.

