2024-02-05 9:09 PM
I am confused: I want to have 1ms AZURE RTOS tick timer - but no idea how to set.
What I see:
I see the TIM6 INT comes fast, assuming with 1ms period (I debug with toggling a LED in TIM6 INT). But after a short period of time (approx. 1...2sec) the TIM6 INT changes to something like 10Hz (much slower now and I can see the LED toggle).
I can clearly see the LED toggling and my "delay" command (which should wait for X milli-seconds) is still wrong.
Very strange. If I do not call MX_ThreadX_Init(); - the TIM6 seems to be configure properly and seems to come with 1KHz. But later, the AZURE RTOS seems to change to a much slower frequency.
And where to change to 1KHz timer tick (for RTOS, using TIM6)?
Solved! Go to Solution.
2024-02-14 4:07 PM
Thank you.
Yes, searching for SYSTEM_CLOCK in all files, including assembler files! and changing everywhere to:
SYSTEM_CLOCK = 160000000
(see the change from 100 to 1000)
has solved the issue:
Now, my systick for AZURE RTOS seems to come with 1 KHz frequency: my LEDs, toggling between both with systick, are now on (not visible to see they toggle).
And my "delay" function on command line (wait x ms) is now correct.
Cool. Thank you.
2024-02-05 10:07 PM
Just to add:
I assume this "behavior" comes from the LIB file: the LIB I use is: "USBPDCORE_NOPD_CM33_wc32.a"
I assume: the code enters a "low power mode" which changes also the SysTick timer frequency:
Even I see a file "tx_thread_schedule.S" with a macro used as TX_LOW_POWER, calling function tx_low_power_enter():
Therefore, I assume: this "behavior" (that TIM6 frequency and tick INT frequency is changed to a much slower rate) sits somewhere in a LIB code (without to have a look how and where, no source code provided).
It remains this question:
How to configure AZURE RTOS to keep going with 1ms tick counters, to have a delay function based on 1KHz and to see TIM6 INT (used as Tick Timer) remains on 1 KHz? (all the time)
2024-02-06 2:40 AM
Hello @tjaekel,
I'm not an expert in this, but I can suggest something, maybe instead of changing #define BSP_TICKS_PER_SECOND to 1000 instead of 100, try changing the period register of the timer you're using (TIM6), and once you do that, you'll have to also change the define to be consistent with the new period
maybe the inconsistency is what makes TIM6 slower
>>I cannot see that the macro TX_LOW_POWER is defined anywhere (I do not find it anywhere in project settings and source code)
I think TX_LOW_POWER is in threadx/utility/low_power/ file and it should be imported to the project, this wiki talks about the low power feature, I think it's quite clear and helpful
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2024-02-12 2:56 AM
Some hints:
If you use Azure RTOS, there are two ticks: the STM32 HAL tick and Azure RTOS / ThreadX tick.
When the HAL is alone (no RTOS) it uses ARM Cortex M's "Systick" timer.
When Azure RTOS / ThreadX is present, it requires Systick. So the HAL has to use another timer (for example TIM6 ).
If your code uses tx_thread_sleep(), then it depends from ThreadX tick (Systick).
If your code uses HAL_Delay() then it depends from HAL tick (TIM6).
Azure RTOS configures Systick in tx_initialize_low_level.S. It can come from Middlewares\ST\threadx\ports\cortex_m33\gnu\src\tx_initialize_low_level.S or you can make a copy in your own project source directories to modify it. This assembler file uses SYSTICK_CYCLES and SYSTEM_CLOCK constants. Example:
SYSTEM_CLOCK = 160000000 // 160 MHz
if you change the Azure RTOS tick to 1000 Hz then you must change SYSTICK_CYCLES definition in tx_initialize_low_level.S : SYSTICK_CYCLES = ((SYSTEM_CLOCK / 1000) -1). Of course, TX_TIMER_TICK_PER_SECOND must also be updated.
Also, SYSTEM_CLOCK must correspond to the system clock . See SystemClock_Config() in main.c and SystemCoreClock global variable. If you use STM32CubeMX to generate the sources, the clock configuration tool may help to know the actual system clock.
Another point: ThreadX uses PendSV interrupt for scheduling. it sets PendSV interrupt priority to lowest (15). Make sure to set TIM6 to higher priority (for example :14 (14 is higher priority than 15)).
It's TICK_INT_PRIORITY in stm32u5xx_hal_conf.h.
If PendSV and TIM6 have same priority they will fight for CPU.
2024-02-14 4:07 PM
Thank you.
Yes, searching for SYSTEM_CLOCK in all files, including assembler files! and changing everywhere to:
SYSTEM_CLOCK = 160000000
(see the change from 100 to 1000)
has solved the issue:
Now, my systick for AZURE RTOS seems to come with 1 KHz frequency: my LEDs, toggling between both with systick, are now on (not visible to see they toggle).
And my "delay" function on command line (wait x ms) is now correct.
Cool. Thank you.