2021-06-10 10:42 AM
Hello Everyone,
Hope all are doing well.
I am currently working with a board based on STM32L4R5 in FreeRTOS environment.
I have two UARTS and some GPIO connected.
I have one task monitoring the UART data. Both UART have an associated ISR
These ISR place the received data onto a queue. This queue is accessed from the task to perform some action.
I have programmed one GPIO for Rising edge trigger interrupt.
void testInitGPIOInterrupt( void )
// PC 13
uint8_t pinNumber;
uint32_t temp;
pinNumber = 13;
SYSCFG->EXTICR[(pinNumber/4)] &= ~(0xF << ((pinNumber % 4) * 4));
SYSCFG->EXTICR[(pinNumber/4)] |= (0x2 << ((pinNumber % 4) * 4));
//enable the exti interrupt delivery using IMR Interrupt mask register 1
EXTI->IMR1 |= ( 1 << pinNumber );
// Enable the 'rising edge' trigger
EXTI->RTSR1 |= ( 1 << pinNumber );
// Disable the 'falling edge' trigger
EXTI->FTSR1 &= ~( 1 << pinNumber );
GPIOC->MODER &= ~( 0x3 << ( pinNumber*2 ) );
GPIOC->PUPDR &= ~( 0x3 << ( pinNumber*2 ) );
GPIOC->PUPDR |= ( 0x0 << ( pinNumber*2 ) );
// Enable IRQ
NVIC_SetPriority( EXTI15_10_IRQn, 6 );
NVIC_EnableIRQ ( EXTI15_10_IRQn );
But when I enable this interrupt, the application just stops working.
I have tried enabling the GPIO interrupt without FreeRTOS. I was able to detect the interrupts.
The ISR is just:
void EXTI15_10_IRQHandler( void )
uint32_t pending = EXTI->PR1;
if(pending & (1 << 13))
EXTI->PR1 |= 1 << 13;
Can anybody please direct me if I am missing something.
Thank you.
2021-06-17 02:20 AM
Hello @POval.1 ,
Can you please share your project for further check ?
Thanks in advance.
BeST Regards,