2020-05-02 11:25 AM
STM32L475 IoT Node has a firmware update with the STM32CubeExpansion_Cloud_AWS_V1.4.0 download. Firmware loads fine and the connection to a terminal for configuration takes place and shows the update version. The update will allow entry of the SSID and security mode but then 'Enter Password: ' prompt appears but does not allow the password entry but proceeds directly to the connection attempt, which fails without the password.
Is there an update or fix or a location in the code where I can fix this?
2022-01-20 6:08 AM
Were you able to solve this problem? I am encountering the same problem.
2022-01-20 9:59 AM
Hi. I never did solve this issue. I admit that I'm still not comfortable or very knowledgeable with AWS and I suspect my problem was some issue with the AWS certificates or how they were being transmitted. I intend to get back to this in the near future but if you get it to work please post the resolution.
2022-01-20 6:50 PM
Hi TJM, I was able to solve the issue. I am able to connect and transfer data to AWS. I changed my policy setting attached to the thing. I allowed all incoming connections from AWS side. Do let me know if you were able to solve it?
2022-04-25 6:41 AM
Hi Vkamm.1,
I am stuck with the same issue. Can you tell a little bit more about how to allow incoming connections from AWS side ?
2022-04-26 12:55 AM
Hi Vkamm.1,
I am stuck with the same issue. Can you tell a little bit more about how to allow incoming connections from AWS side ?
2022-04-26 7:10 AM
Hi HAarz.1 ,
Can you check the attached policy to the thing on the AWS website. Does the policy allow all incoming connections?