2021-11-19 9:49 PM
I am trying to run the GenericMQTT Example from the software package in the title.
Path: STM32CubeExpansion_Cloud GenericV1.0.0\Projects\STM32L496G-Discovery\Applications\Cloud\GenericMQTT
I have modified the source code to include a #define USE_BG96 as the CELL02 kit uses the BG96 not the UG96. I am using a truphone global micro SIM (not the embedded sim) in Australia and am able to successfully use the ping examples from the STM32CubeExpansion_CELLULAR_V6.0.0 package using this SIM.
The error message I receive when running the application is
*** STM32 IoT Discovery kit for
*** STM32F413/STM32F769/STM32L475/STM32L496 MCU
*** X-CUBE-CLD-GEN Cloud Connectivity Demonstration
*** FW version 1.0.0 - 28-March-2018 02:18:56 PM
*** Board personalization ***
*** C2C connection ***
Push the User button (Blue) within the next 5 seconds if you want to update the C2C configuration.
Your C2C parameters need to be entered to proceed.
Enter Sim Operator Access Point Code (e.g. EM or ESEYE1 or iot.truphone.com etc): iot.truphone.com
You have entered <iot.truphone.com> as the Sim Operator Access Point Code.
Enter the username (it can be NULL) (max 16 char):
You have entered <> as the username.
Enter the password (it can be NULL) (max 16 char):
You have entered <> as the password.
Initializing the C2C module
Trying to connect with the external SIM
C2C AT comunication error with the C2C device
C2C device might be disconnected or wrongly connected
Trying to connect with the embedded SIM
C2C AT comunication error with the C2C device
C2C device might be disconnected or wrongly connected
Error initializing the module!
The status code that triggers the error messages from "c2c.c":
ret = C2C_REGISTATUS_ERROR; /* generic e.g. module does not respond to AT command */
See pertinent posts.
My P-l496G-CELL02 C2C device won't connect.
Problem with firmware package and P-L496G-CELL01 board. why C2C device not connect ?
B-L462E-CELL1 not connecting to TruPhone
B-L462E-CELL1 not connecting to TruPhone continued
SOLVED: I placed the definition for USE_BG96 in
Project --> Properties --> C/C++ Build --> Settings --> Tool Settings --> MCU GCC Assembler--> Pre-processor --> Then hit the little green "+" and add USE_BG96
Project --> Properties --> C/C++ Build --> Settings --> Tool Settings --> MCU GCC Compiler --> Pre-processor --> Then hit the little green "+" and add USE_BG96
And so USE_BG96 was not correctly defined.
2021-11-23 7:04 AM
Hello @Community member ,
Good to hear you solved the issue and thanks for sharing your fix :thumbs_up:
Please add a comment with the solution, then close this post by marking your reply as Best answer.