2022-04-26 8:48 AM
We want our device (STM32-F446RE running FreeRTOS + Telit ME310G1 modem) to communicate to the AWS cloud. We are trying to follow the Cellular Interface Library Demo, in particular following the diagram- https://www.freertos.org/fr-content-src/uploads/2020/12/cellular_demo_sequence-1.png
We are using coreMQTT Agent, MbedTLS libraries, the following communication interface (UART)- https://github.com/aws/amazon-freertos/blob/feature/cellular/vendors/st/boards/stm32l475_discovery/ports/comm_if/comm_if_uart.c
And this UART API implementation- https://github.com/aws/amazon-freertos/blob/feature/cellular/vendors/st/boards/stm32l475_discovery/ports/common_io/iot_uart.c
UART using 115200 baud rate.
Currently failing on the Cellular_Init function when trying to send the first AT command to the modem, specifically when calling the HAL_UART_TRANSMIT_IT function from the above comm interface send function. While debugging we see that the USART1_IRQHandler is called infinite times and nothing is sent through the UART communication.
We are using the default handler, do we need to implement it in any way?
void USART1_IRQHandler(void)
Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance,