2020-05-28 3:27 AM
When I run the PWR_STOP2 example from the STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.15.0 on a STM32L452VE, I measure a current consumption egal to 1.6 uA instead of 2.05 uA.
The datasheet and STM32CubeMX indicate 2.05 uA without RTC for this target.
It's a great news 8) but I'm afraid that it hides something wrong.
For information, when I run this same example for and on a STM32L476, the current measured is in accordance to the datasheet indications.
Can you help to understand this good news? ;)
In advance, thank you.
2020-05-28 3:30 AM
Datasheet value may differ from the typical values but not be more tha the max value, if given.
You ambient temperature may also differ, having also great influence.
2020-05-28 4:12 AM
Thank you.
My ambient temperature is about 25°C.
With STM32CubeMX, the current consumption simulation doesn't allow to have a consumption less than 2.05 uA in STOP 2 mode.
Often, the values indicate are the best that we hope to observe. Is it right?
2020-05-28 4:28 AM
Typical values are typical. About 50 % of parts will be above and 50 % below that value.
2020-05-28 8:32 AM
Even for a low power consumption?
2020-05-28 8:50 AM
Yes. That is what typical values are for.