2020-05-03 7:35 AM
I'm attempting to hook a USB flash drive to the STM32H743ZI2 EV board and access it using FatFs from my code.
2020-05-03 7:39 PM
There is a NUCLEO-H743ZI2 board and an STM32H743I-EVAL2 board. Both of these have examples in the STM32CubeH7 repo. The latter has both FatFS and USB device examples.
You're saying you have a different board? I don't see a "STM32H743ZI2 EV" board available.
2020-05-03 10:24 PM
I'm talking about this one :
I don't see any \H743ZI2 subdirectory under \Projects.
The closest thing \NUCLEO-H743ZI does not include samples for USB host.
2020-05-04 6:30 AM
NUCLEO-H743ZI and NUCLEO-H743ZI2 should be equivalent as far as examples go.
No USB host example there, true. The closest is probably
Same chip, probably same USB pinout, should be close to what you're looking for.
2020-05-04 8:39 AM
Didn't work.
I've opened \STM32H743I-EVAL\Applications\USB_Host\MSC_Standalone
Picked 'STM32H743I-EVAL_USBH-FS',
Had to remove lots of code, for ex. LCD, some other BSP code (IO expander over I2C? ),
Finally I got this to run more or less.
Plugged an OTG cable to the back of the board along with a FAT32 formatted flash drive.
The code does not switch states within USBH_Process() whenever I'm inserting \ removing the flash drive
What am I missing ?