2020-05-04 1:35 PM
My application will have a STM32F042 fed USB from a TUSB2036 USB hub IC. That chip has the option to feed a 48MHz clock in directly (from MCO on the STM?), which would save me a crystal and supporting parts. I'm wondering if this would be alright accuracy wise: the STM32's crystal-less USB relies on it's CRS, which is fed by USB SOF packets, which I guess it would not be getting until the USB hub connects to the PC: would it be able to do that before the clock manages to recover itself? TI does not spec a tolerance for the 48MHz clock, but I suspect it is the same as the USB spec (which I believe is .25%?)
2020-05-04 2:29 PM
This doesn't sound as a viable plan...
2020-05-04 2:58 PM
It's hard to figure out exactly what you're asking here.
If TUSB2036 puts out a 48MHz clock, there's no reason you can't use it to clock the STM32.
2020-05-04 3:02 PM
I would be doing it the other way around: my concern is with the accuracy of the clock for USB and if it would still be possible to use the CRS with the hub. I'll be honest: my USB knowledge is not massive.
2020-05-04 3:13 PM