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STM32H7 FW SDIO Low Level support?


I am using a STM32H753ZI MCU on the STM32H753i-EVAL2 board and I am trying to interface a WLAN module over the SDIO interface. I am using the STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.4.0 Drivers, HAL and Low-Level Support. I can see that the HAL Layer supports SDMMC memory cards but there isn't any support for SDIO cards. I have been tweaking the stm32h7xx_hal_sd.c driver code to follow the initialization, power on, data read/write sequence for my SDIO card but I keep running into issues. I have been spending a lot of time in developing this custom driver and resolving issues and haven't been able to address my real task, which is to get the WLAN card working.

Is there any kind of support available for SDIO cards and are there any low-level driver APIs available which are specifically designed for interaction with an SDIO IO device and not a SDMMC memory card? This can greatly help reduce my development time.

Any pointers would help. Thanks!