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Associate III

I am new to LWIP and MQTT. I am trying to use MQTT using LWIP in stm32f767 . I am able to get ethernet connection up and ping also works. I use mqtt_client_connect to connect to the server. The function is as follows:-

mqtt_client_connect(mqtt_client_t *client, const ip_addr_t *ip_addr, u16_t port, mqtt_connection_cb_t cb, void *arg,const struct mqtt_connect_client_info_t *client_info)


 err_t err;

 size_t len;

 u16_t client_id_length;

 /* Length is the sum of 2+"MQTT", protocol level, flags and keep alive */

 u16_t remaining_length = 2 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 2;

 u8_t flags = 0, will_topic_len = 0, will_msg_len = 0;

 LWIP_ASSERT("mqtt_client_connect: client != NULL", client != NULL);

 LWIP_ASSERT("mqtt_client_connect: ip_addr != NULL", ip_addr != NULL);

 LWIP_ASSERT("mqtt_client_connect: client_info != NULL", client_info != NULL);

 LWIP_ASSERT("mqtt_client_connect: client_info->client_id != NULL", client_info->client_id != NULL);

 if (client->conn_state != TCP_DISCONNECTED) {

  LWIP_DEBUGF(MQTT_DEBUG_WARN,("mqtt_client_connect: Already connected\n\r"));

  return ERR_ISCONN;


 /* Wipe clean */

 memset(client, 0, sizeof(mqtt_client_t));

 client->connect_arg = arg;

 client->connect_cb = cb;

 client->keep_alive = client_info->keep_alive;


 /* Build connect message */

 if (client_info->will_topic != NULL && client_info->will_msg != NULL) {


  flags |= (client_info->will_qos & 3) << 3;

  if (client_info->will_retain) {



  len = strlen(client_info->will_topic);

  LWIP_ERROR("mqtt_client_connect: client_info->will_topic length overflow", len <= 0xFF, return ERR_VAL);

  LWIP_ERROR("mqtt_client_connect: client_info->will_topic length must be > 0", len > 0, return ERR_VAL);

  will_topic_len = (u8_t)len;

  len = strlen(client_info->will_msg);

  LWIP_ERROR("mqtt_client_connect: client_info->will_msg length overflow", len <= 0xFF, return ERR_VAL);

  will_msg_len = (u8_t)len;

  len = remaining_length + 2 + will_topic_len + 2 + will_msg_len;

  LWIP_ERROR("mqtt_client_connect: remaining_length overflow", len <= 0xFFFF, return ERR_VAL);

  remaining_length = (u16_t)len;


 /* Don't complicate things, always connect using clean session */


 len = strlen(client_info->client_id);

 LWIP_ERROR("mqtt_client_connect: client_info->client_id length overflow", len <= 0xFFFF, return ERR_VAL);

 client_id_length = (u16_t)len;

 len = remaining_length + 2 + client_id_length;

 LWIP_ERROR("mqtt_client_connect: remaining_length overflow", len <= 0xFFFF, return ERR_VAL);

 remaining_length = (u16_t)len;

 if (mqtt_output_check_space(&client->output, remaining_length) == 0) {

  return ERR_MEM;


 client->conn = tcp_new();

 if (client->conn == NULL) {

  return ERR_MEM;


 /* Set arg pointer for callbacks */

 tcp_arg(client->conn, client);

 /* Any local address, pick random local port number */

 err = tcp_bind(client->conn, IP_ADDR_ANY, 0);

 if (err != ERR_OK) {

  LWIP_DEBUGF(MQTT_DEBUG_WARN,("mqtt_client_connect: Error binding to local ip/port, %d\n\r", err));

  goto tcp_fail;


 LWIP_DEBUGF(MQTT_DEBUG_TRACE,("mqtt_client_connect: Connecting to host: %s at port:%"U16_F"\n\r", ipaddr_ntoa(ip_addr), port));

 /* Connect to server */

 err = tcp_connect(client->conn, ip_addr, port, mqtt_tcp_connect_cb);

 if (err != ERR_OK) {

  LWIP_DEBUGF(MQTT_DEBUG_TRACE,("mqtt_client_connect: Error connecting to remote ip/port, %d\n\r", err));

  goto tcp_fail;


 /* Set error callback */

 tcp_err(client->conn, mqtt_tcp_err_cb);

 client->conn_state = TCP_CONNECTING;

 /* Append fixed header */

 mqtt_output_append_fixed_header(&client->output, MQTT_MSG_TYPE_CONNECT, 0, 0, 0, remaining_length);

 /* Append Protocol string */

 mqtt_output_append_string(&client->output, "MQTT", 4);

 /* Append Protocol level */

 mqtt_output_append_u8(&client->output, 4);

 /* Append connect flags */

 mqtt_output_append_u8(&client->output, flags);

 /* Append keep-alive */

 mqtt_output_append_u16(&client->output, client_info->keep_alive);

 /* Append client id */

 mqtt_output_append_string(&client->output, client_info->client_id, client_id_length);

 /* Append will message if used */

 if ((flags & MQTT_CONNECT_FLAG_WILL) != 0) {

  mqtt_output_append_string(&client->output, client_info->will_topic, will_topic_len);

  mqtt_output_append_string(&client->output, client_info->will_msg, will_msg_len);


 return ERR_OK;



 client->conn = NULL;

 return err;


Here we need to pass IP address of the server to which we want to connect. I want to use hostname instead of IP address. What changes will i need to do so that it takes the hostname like "" ??

Thank you for the help.



I'm going to use STM32 to do MQTT project, the STMCube LWIP setting is complicated.

Your project is from the STM32 examples?