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STM32F407IGT6 - Two sets of Ethernet TX signals (TX_EN, TXD0, TXD1) can be used interchangeably?


In 176 PIN package of STM32F407, there are two set of Ethernet TX signals (TX_EN, TXD0, TXD1) present. One set in Port B and another in Port G. My question is whether we can use them interchangeably. For example, can i use TX_EN from Port G (PG11) to enable transmission of data in TXD0 and TXD1 of Port B. (PB12 & PB13). I could not find any documents explaining whether both the TX_ENs are tied together or drives respective port TXDs? Can someone explain and share any documentation explaining the same?


All function pins with the same function can be used interchangeably, e.g. TIM3_CH1 is always TIM3_CH1 on whichever pin you use it - I don't see a reason why with ETH it would be different. The function pins are not tied to a particular port.