2019-11-28 9:09 PM
In 176 PIN package of STM32F407, there are two set of Ethernet TX signals (TX_EN, TXD0, TXD1) present. One set in Port B and another in Port G. My question is whether we can use them interchangeably. For example, can i use TX_EN from Port G (PG11) to enable transmission of data in TXD0 and TXD1 of Port B. (PB12 & PB13). I could not find any documents explaining whether both the TX_ENs are tied together or drives respective port TXDs? Can someone explain and share any documentation explaining the same?
2019-11-29 12:11 AM
All function pins with the same function can be used interchangeably, e.g. TIM3_CH1 is always TIM3_CH1 on whichever pin you use it - I don't see a reason why with ETH it would be different. The function pins are not tied to a particular port.