2017-04-19 7:38 AM
I am trying to implement USB Connection using High Speed (HS) mode for Virtual COM Port. Under USB_OTG_HS in cube MX i have configured 'Internal FS Phy -> Device_only' & under USB_DEVICE 'Class for HS IP-> Communication Device Only'.
Initially i did same for Full Speed bus & its successfully running. However when i am configuring High Speed bus i am not getting data over PC.
So what will be possible error?
I have connected USB from Board to PC & Drivers are also installed properly. Clock configuration is also fine (Used Cube MX for same).
By refering some earlier questions from STM Community i tried to do some changes in 'usbd_cdc_if.c' file as well. Do i Need to connect 'PB14, PB15 morpho Pins' to somewhere? Now i have just plugged in my USB through 'CN5' on STM32F4 Discovery board.
I have attached my Code below.
So where i am going wrong?
#stm32f4-discovery #usb_otg_hs2017-04-19 5:59 PM
don't you need an external phy for usb hi speed? Maybe check your data signals on d+ & d- whether there's actually something happening.
2017-04-20 1:49 AM
I have configured it in Internal Phy only where i will get Speed of 12 Mbps which is sufficient for my application. Do i Need to connect external phy also if i want to use 12 Mbps Speed (As per Manual i think No)?? I had checked my d+ & d- Signals on PB14 & PB15 resp. But i am getting some wiered Output.
I have attached my clock configuration & pinout.
2017-04-20 11:58 PM
No you only need texternal phy for usb 2.0 speeds, AFAIK!
2017-04-27 9:07 AM
OK. I will give a try..
Meanwhile when i am using STM32F205 for USB Full Speed its giving me 'USB Not recognisable' Error. It worked well over Discovery board.