2015-01-15 9:58 PM
I am using anstm32f4-discovery
board with MCUstm32F407
. My intention is create a project using theSTM32CubeM
X c generator using both RTOS and USB Middlewares. I want to be able to see in my Device Manager of my PC a new HID device when I connect the board using the micro usb connector. My problem is that although the project is created normally is built successfully using IAR workbench, finally no HID device is identified. I have enabled in the peripherals of the board USB_OTG_HS as device and I have set the Middleware USB Device class as HID. I have also tried other combinations (I also USB_OTG_FS) but no result. I am newbie and what I am asking is if anybody knows how to enable the usb and rtos using the CubeMX c code generator. Thanks in advance. #stm32f4-discovery-usb-cube2015-03-23 5:37 AM
Please use .ioc file attached to generate your project.
Ensure heap/stack sizes for your project are sufficient:in IAR IDE, right click project name and select Options > Linker > Config -> Override default. thenEdit>Stack/Heap sizessettingsTab. Set 0x2000 for both. ________________ Attachments : DiscoF407_USBDeviceHID.ioc : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006HzNm&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bLM%2FVFIHAbC8A1oddO9c9pc3dvDPAfRLhl.yjpyYfA1iYlU&asPdf=false