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STM32F103 uwTickPrio error in debug mode

Associate II

0693W00000DmwwpQAB.pngHi! I'm using STM32F103C8 as MCU. I am quite new to st environment and trying to warm up to cubeide interface & HAL libraries. I am going to design quite complicated circuitry and it requires many pins but the ideal one i picked is F103C8 since i have that.

When i want to test modules using MCU in build mode, there is no error or warning in screen. After a while when i plugged st-link-V2 and try to debug my code, it gave me the error as "no source is available for uwTickPrio() at 0x0000024". My code is nothing to be honest. Since i want to fix that error i deleted all my code along the way and this is the new created project file. I am attaching the ioc file also. I use 8000 MHz crystal btw.

Can someone help me? Wish you all a good day!


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Thanks so much!