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startup-stm32xxx is not nowhere to be found

Associate II


I'm currently trying to get myself away from HAL, insteed using a more direct implementation. So the first thing I am trying is a simple blinky programm, with as little as possible number of files. I downloaded the StdPeripherel Files for my board (STM32F103RB-Nucleo), but I cannot locate the startup_stm32F1xx.s file.

So my question is, do you actually need it?

And if yes, where do I get it from?


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It's a generic name, there tend to be MCU specific files as each class within the family often have different memory sizes, peripheral mixes, and interrupt vector tables.


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It's a generic name, there tend to be MCU specific files as each class within the family often have different memory sizes, peripheral mixes, and interrupt vector tables.


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Oooooh, thank you, i found it!

For 103RB probably this one


Also in example project trees


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Associate II

So now that i found it, which of these 8 files do I need to add to my source in the Makefile?


wow, you anwered my question, before I even asked it.

Thank You!

Hi @Senax​ ,

In the Glossary of RM0008, you find the following explanation:

0693W00000FAhXIQA1.pngA complementary explanation for value line (vl) in RM0041:

0693W00000FAhYpQAL.pngSTM32F103RB is a medium density device (128Kb flash), so you will have to select startup_stm32f10x_md.s.


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