2016-07-21 4:54 AM
Also posted in OpenSTM32 forum http://www.openstm32.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?comments_parentId=3171
I use STM32CubeMx to generate code and import it to System Workbench followinghttp://www.openstm32.org/Importing+a+STCubeMX+generated+project
The code keeps blinking led and outputting constant string to uart (DMA) in a loop and works as expected. I can debug it in Eclipse so everything works perfect by here.Problem happens while experimenting with semihosting feature (see attached).What I changed/added to enable the semihosting:- Add ''-specs=nosys.specs -specs=nano.specs -specs=rdimon.specs -lc -lrdimon'' to linker- Add ''initialise_monitor_handles();'' to the beginning of main()- Add ''monitor arm semihosting enable'' to Startup of debug configurationSeems all is set up correctly but I can't get string printed on the console. I also tried in plain makefile version (no GUI) the problem persists. Problem exists in STM32F103RCT6/STM32F405RG.I use STM32F1 customized board and STM32F4 STM32-P405 from Olimex for testing.Do I miss anything? Have anyone tried semihosting with STM32CubeMX and System Workbench environment?Thanks for the support.Johnny #stm32cube-semihosting2016-07-21 12:15 PM
Can i use both options at the same time (''-specs=nosys.specs'' and ''-specs=rdimon.specs'')?
In the ''readme.txt (GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors)'' says
'' (...) Users can choose to use or not use semihosting by following instructions. ** semihosting If you need semihosting, linking like: $ arm-none-eabi-gcc --specs=rdimon.specs $(OTHER_LINK_OPTIONS) ** non-semihosting/retarget If you are using retarget, linking like: $ arm-none-eabi-gcc --specs=nosys.specs $(OTHER_LINK_OPTIONS)(...)
''2016-07-22 12:02 AM
Figured out the problem finally!
With the items (listed above) properly set up Semihosting works when printing inside main() function.To print inside FreeRTOS thread, need to e.g. ''invoke setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, 256);'' explicitly even if log strings have '\n'.Tried both ''-specs=nosys.specs -specs=nano.specs -specs=rdimon.specs -lc -lrdimon'' and ''-specs=nano.specs -specs=rdimon.specs -lc -lrdimon'' and they work! Seems it's conflicting that nosys and rdimon co-exist. In first setting the latter rdimon spec could 'overwrite' nosys spec that's why it works as well (I guess)