2020-08-07 1:03 AM
From what i've seen the Rust programming language is becoming more and more popular and since it does not rely on a virtual machine, like java or python, it could be a good option for embedded development and other low-level programs.
I know that there are ways to get Rust on STM32 MCUs running, but without official support its really hard to start a series project using those tools. At this point i see it as something fun to try out and benchmark and compare with a traditional C program + FreeRTOS.
Does anyone know if there are any official plans from ST to have a Rust wrapper on the existing C HAL or a complete ground-up Rust HAL? Maybe support in CubeIDE for both C and Rust?
2024-06-25 8:47 AM
Would be very excited to see ST contribute to the amazing open-source efforts from the Rust community. Just as a side note, approximately a year ago, Infineon announced official rust support for some of their microcontrollers.