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Are all STM32WL55 packages comes with RF Shield


Hello ST Community,

   Looking for the below details. I am new to ST Micro family. I came across the STM32WL55 and STM32WLE5 Chip set. Currently I have ordered STM32WL55JC1 nucleo board and STM32WLE5 seed studio wi-e5 development board. I am planning to use the STM32WL integerated Lora modules for Lora multi hop technology for my project. that means all the device I am going to deploy have the STM32WL55or E5 based on the finalization. I would like to communciate all the lora modules to receive or forward the data to next available lora module to all the way to a NB-IOT based deviuce which would forward to our own cloud space. My questions are follow

1. Can I use the both STM32WL or E5 as a individual node to do point to point communication also an forwarder to forward it to form a multi hop network?

2. If I order the STM32WL55 or E5 chip will it come same as the one I found in the development board? because the one i found in a development board has a Rf shield with ibuilt components if I udnerstood correct? correct me if I am wrong. i need to understand what are the components I need to handle in addition to the individual package. need guidance to select correct part number 

3. Is the PCB antenna would be enough? or What would be the antenna you would suggest. I need the coverage range of 3-5km. ths devices will be deploy to agricultural fields(open area) for your information

4. I need technical support to design the RF circuit if additionaly required? 

5. We are looking for package where its not required any RF designs on our side. We would like to use the chip as plug and play and leverage all the configuration via software

6. The DFOTA would be possible for both STM32WL55 and E5 right? provided we would integerate a bluetooth module or wifi module to get the frimware to the board


Kindly share the design guidelines around it.