2024-11-20 4:32 AM
Hello everyone.
What is the proper procedure when restarting the entire ethernet?
Im using LWIP and FreeRTOS and im not sure if im restarting everything correctly...
These are the steps im using.
netif_set_ipaddr(&gnetif, ip);
ThreadID = osThreadNew(TCP_Thread, NULL, &TCP_Thread_attributes);
What steps am i missing?
Thanks for any replies :)
2024-11-20 7:22 AM
Hello @XD ,
Restarting Lwip and Ethernet are not the same think as Lwip is a software set of function using ethernet to implement the rest of TCP/IP model and Ethernet is a peripheral integrated in the STM32 so doing a Dinit and Init to Ethernet is able to make it restart regarding Lwip it is up to you to know how to handle it and implement proper callback to recover when the Ethernet peripheral is uninitialized .
2024-11-22 6:20 AM
Hi @STea,
De-initializing the ethernet (hardware & PHY) will cause the LWIP to malfunction. I'm using the standard LWIP + OS CubeMX configuration which creates a task for LWIP and one for TCPIP.
void MX_LWIP_Init(void);
There does not seem to be a matching "DeInit" function for the above Init.
What is the recommended approach?
2024-11-25 5:20 AM
Hello @XD ,
there is no function to de-initialize Lwip as this should not be normally done because Lwip has tools to recover in case it encounters a problem or when the Link is down
Ensure that the TCP server thread is properly terminated.
Set the Network Interface Down:
Remove the Network Interface:
Delete the Network Connection:
de-initialize Ethernet peripheral
I think this is the logical order in which you should procced from my point of view as we will need to revert the actions done in lwip init function.
2024-12-31 8:06 AM
Hello @XD ,
did manage to try this out?