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RDP level is 0xFF after power down by from programmer pins

Associate II

I am developing with an L4 series MCU.
If there is a program in the MCU and the read protection flag is not active (Level 0), when I load a program that activates the read protection flag (Level 1), there is no problem if I cut the power from the USB port or the programming pins.
But if the MCU's read protection flag is active (Level 1) and I set it Level 1 and load a code that activates the read protection flag (Level 1) in the program again, when I power down by removing the programmer pins and give it again. In that case, the program doesn't start and when I connect with cubeprogrammer, RDP is active and its value is 0xFF instead of 0xBB.
When I examined it a little more, I saw that the PCROP values ​​​​changed when the code did not start. Probably the reason why the code did not start is that PCROP_RDP is active.
But the question is why do I experience this if I power down by removing the programmer pins?