2014-11-21 7:00 AM
Hello, I'll be glad to recibe any help.
I've created a project for the NUCLEO-L152RE using STM32Cube (selecting the correct board) and then I've exported it to IAR-EWARM. When I run the project into the board, the MCU don't continue after the clock configuration. If I go step by step over the code, when the HSI clock is set, all stops.The configuration clock option was: HSI RC (16MHz) --> PLLCLK (x4 /2) --> SYSCLK (32MHz). All the other configurations by default.I'll appreciate any help! Thanks! #nucleo-l152re #stm32cube2014-11-25 5:12 AM
do you have external clock connected to the L152RE? By default there is no oscillator nor is there a connection to ST-LINK-clock 'MSO' and the controller can run only with internal clock. See Nucleo User Manual UM1724 ('STM32 Nucleo boards' - http://www.st.com/st-web-ui/static/active/en/resource/technical/document/user_manual/DM00105823.pdf) - chapter 5.7 for clock supply options. BR Jürgen