2013-12-02 1:39 AM
Hey Folks,
after several hours of trying I stil wasn't able to find out, why it doesn't work. Google and Forum search didn't help either.Problem: SdCard access doesnt work with the built in SD-Card-Mount using SPI via DMA.But SD-Card access works in ALL following configurations:- SPI, DMA and an (=> DMA is allright)- SPI and an external SD-breakoutboard- SPI with the built in SD-Card-Mount (=> wiring is allright, SPI is allright)Plus: When I disconnect the SD-Card and connect MISO to MOSI, a sent Byte is received just fine. With a SD-Card connected always 0xFF is returned.Did anybody encounter the same problem? Or might know what to do?Thanks a lot in advance,Best regards #sd #stm32 #dma #spi #fatfs2013-12-02 2:12 AM
I guess you have checked that no other external peripheral is using the same pin for something else.
Did you check the wiring on the PCB, from the MCU pin to the SD connector pin ? Did you check the pullup resistors (hoping they are there) ? Did you try with reduced SPI clock rate ? Did you try with another SD card ?2014-11-04 12:31 AM
can u upload the code for spi+sd card +dma ?