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NUCLEO-L496, STLINK-V3 problem with bootloader CAN


Hello everyone!

I read many topics on this forum and it is really helpful but currently I try to solve my problem - unsuccesfully.

What I want to do: program MPU through bootloader CAN

Hardware: NUCLEO-L496, STLINK-V3. Crystal HSE soldered on NUCLEO (AN2606). Common GND, CAN_VCC connected to 3,3V. CAN bus on PB8 and PB9

Bits BOOTn are set by means of SWD. Bootloader is running - checked in MPU Core.

  1. When connect CAN TX and RX (NUCLEO and STLINK) directly - without CAN transceivers - STM32CubeProgrammer connect with STM correctly and it can be programmed. I made sure that bootloader work properly but that is not the point.
  2. When connect NUCLEO > transceiver, STLINK>transceiver and to the CAN bus then signal from NUCLEO to STLINK (STM_RX STM_TX, CANH CANL, STLINK_RX STLINK_TX) is transmitted through all 'levels' (checked on logic analyzer). If signal is sent from STLINK - it has correct form (CAN RX and TX) without connection to transceiver. If connect to transceiver - no signal. I checked by means of logic analyzer and all lines(STM_RX STM_TX, CANH CANL, STLINK_RX STLINK_TX) are in HIGH state, no changes.

My device is connect to CAN bus and I need to program it from bus - I don't have a physical access to CAN RX and CAN TX from MPU.

It seems to be problem (electronic?) is on line transceiver - programmer. Maybe it is bug with STLINK or CubeProgrammer? Anyone has a similar problem and can help?


Associate II

Hey there MK.71, 

I know this has been quite a while, but I was wondering if you were able to fix this, as I am currently going through the same issue as you? 

Will really appreciate your help, thanks ever so much!