2018-12-03 8:02 AM
Is the CN1 USB Mini-B connector on the NUCLEO-L476RG board also connected to the STM32L476 target? Or it is only for ST-LINK-V2-1 section.
If the CN1 connector is only for ST-LINK-V2-1 then one has to solder a USB socket to the STM32L476 target to use it as USB FS device?
2018-12-03 9:07 AM
See also, in case you're related https://community.st.com/s/question/0D50X0000A1n3jISQQ/unable-to-establish-nucleo-stm32l476rg-usb-cdc-communication
The schematic should be pretty clear on this, pull the manual and review if you haven't done so.
The mini-USB connects only to the F1 part providing ST-LINK functionality. You'll need to manually wire USB connectivity to the L4. Perhaps consider an Nucleo-144 board that has two USB, one connected to the target.
2018-12-04 5:20 AM
Thanks for your response. I am planning to hay-wire a USB mini-B connector to the relevant IO lines on the ST morpho connector. So that i can use the USB port on STM32L4 target.
Is there a schematic that i use here for reference. I am aware of the USB pinout and should be able to hay-wire the connector. But, just wanted to know if i need to have any diodes etc in the circuit for protection.