2021-01-23 2:25 AM
I'm trying to set up a simple test code for bi-directional audio streaming via USB using NUCLEO-H743ZI2 and a custom board with Cirrus CS4274 codec IC.
I've tried and failed to find some documentation for CubeMX included USB Audio Class library (comment in .c files states that they are from 2015) - so I don't know how to accomplish my goal with the library provided with CubeMX.
I found the X-CUBE-USB-AUDIO software package on the ST site, so I downloaded the archive with it and tried (and failed) to import that package into CubeMX, which resulted in an error, so then I tried (spoiler: with no result) to merge more recent USB audio library files (from the downloaded archive; comment in .c files states that they are from 2019) with those generated with a most recent version of CubeMX and that didn't work either.
Maybe there is some documentation and/or tutorial that I'm not aware of? Also, the example projects supplied with the X-CUBE-USB-AUDIO package are not that well documented and they are not compatible with STM32CubeIDE as far as I know.
Do you have any ideas that could help me with my case?
2021-01-23 7:09 AM
UM1734 should shed some light. But take a note that almost all of ST's code is full of bugs and not really supported. And, because of complexity, USB, Ethernet and SDIO are among the most famous ones. For long term serious goals drop all the HAL/Cube broken bloatware and take a look at TinyUSB, for example.
2021-01-23 8:14 AM
Thanks for that - I would need to test TinyUSB in my project, hope it will work for me (have some good experience with community libraries).
2021-01-24 4:29 PM
Hi all,
In my case, before that, nucleo-H743zi2 could not recognize it as us b decice.
Can your device be detected?
2021-02-19 7:04 AM
Did you ever get it working? I tried myself TinyUSB and unfortunately it does not offer great audio isochronous support nor support for the L4 family
2021-04-05 9:16 AM
i have same question , but isochronous i mean is UAC1 and tiny provide UAC2
I too search for mini wiki howto