2025-02-01 8:17 AM - edited 2025-02-01 8:19 AM
The chip I use is STM32G031G8U6, and there seems to be no HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Callback () function in STM 32G00xx _ HAL _ GPIO. C file. What's the matter? The general function of my code is to eliminate the jitter generated when the rotary encoder rotates. Please take the trouble to answer your questions. If there is anything wrong with the following code, please correct it! ;)
void HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Callback(uint16_t GPIO_Pin) // 通用EXTI回调用于判断旋钮左转or右转
static uint8_t B_last_level = 0;
// 检查中断源是否为 KEY3_EXIT15_Pin
if (GPIO_Pin == KEY3_EXIT15_Pin)
// 获取当前A相电平
uint8_t currentA = HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(KEY3_EXIT15_GPIO_Port, KEY3_EXIT15_Pin);
if (currentA == GPIO_PIN_RESET) /* A相先下降,触发第一次中断,检测并记录B相的电平状态 last */
// 记录B相旧的电平状态last
B_last_level = HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(KEY5_Input_GPIO_Port, KEY5_Input_Pin);
else if (currentA == GPIO_PIN_SET) /* A相后上升,检测此时B相的电平状态 now */
uint8_t B_now_level = HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(KEY5_Input_GPIO_Port, KEY5_Input_Pin);
if (B_last_level == GPIO_PIN_SET && B_now_level == GPIO_PIN_RESET)
// B相last为高、now为低,则即顺时针旋转
printf("ROT Turn Right!\r\n");
else if (B_last_level == GPIO_PIN_RESET && B_now_level == GPIO_PIN_SET)
// B相last为低、now为高,则即逆时针旋转
printf("ROT Turn Left!\r\n");
// 清除中断挂起标志(重要!)
__HAL_GPIO_EXTI_CLEAR_IT(KEY3_EXIT15_Pin); // 清除中断挂起标志,作用是防止中断一直触发
Solved! Go to Solution.
2025-02-01 8:31 AM
There is a rising and falling callback function which you can use to know if the interrupt triggered due to a rising or falling edge.
HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Rising_Callback and HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Falling_Callback
2025-02-01 8:31 AM
> there seems to be no HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Callback () function
Correct. This STM32 family (and some others) has HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Rising_Callback and HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Falling_Callback instead of single HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Callback.
2025-02-01 8:31 AM
There is a rising and falling callback function which you can use to know if the interrupt triggered due to a rising or falling edge.
HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Rising_Callback and HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Falling_Callback
2025-02-01 8:38 AM
It seems that I have used this function before, but I can't find it at once today,haha! So it is! Thank you a lot !
2025-02-01 8:42 AM
Ok, I will try to change the original code with these two functions,thank you very much !