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LwIP_IAP: html files?

Principal II


I'm about to start writing an ethernet bootloader for the H7.

I found the F7's LwIP_IAP example, a good way to get ideas how to realize the bootloader, although I'll probably put the new bin into an external SPI flash.

As I have an http-webserver with a few pages already up and running, I will use the http method.

The example is using LwIP's "standard" fs_data.c file containing the STM32's webpage, prepared with makefsdata.

But where can I find the original html-files which served as the fs_data source ?

I don't want to learn any more html, the webserver is more or less a debugging tool, so it would be a great help if I could simply modify the original html-files to fit my purpose.

Maybe @STea or @Peter BENSCH  might help

Thanks in advance!

PS: I already checked the original F4 example on Github, no html there.

Principal II

If you got the header of the POST message, then you will surely get the rest.

Read, check, think, try...

Check which httpd_post_* functions are called from httpd.c, but NOT implemented. Then search the web or build your own.