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LWIP Free RTOS Problem

Arman Ilmak


I have a problem while using lwip and freertos.

The board is based on stm32h743vih.

The mpu configuration is done correctly i think.

My problem is after i start udp server and start to send data with udp, everything is ok, but after a while i will enter a loop in xQueueSemaphoreTake an in the configASSERT( pxQueue->uxItemSize == 0 ).

I searched a lot and i saw this:

I did what it said but this time when it happens im not in the loop but the other tasks get very slow and actually a task with osdelay(1) is executing every 1 second.

What should i do?

ST Employee

Hello @Arman Ilmak ,

Could you please check the MPU and LWIP configurations, for that I recommend you to take a look to How to create project for STM32H7 with Ethernet an... - STMicroelectronics Community

Also, I advise you to start with an available example. I think this example can help you STM32H7-LwIP-Examples/STM32H743_Nucleo_ETH at main · stm32-hotspot/STM32H7-LwIP-Examples · GitHub.

I hope this help you to solve your issue.


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Ive done exact the same configuration.

But i see odd behavior.

When i config only eth with rtos and lwip i see hardfault.

But with the same eth configuration and just enabling uart (no other action just hal will call uart init)

i dont see hardfault and everything work fine.

Im really confused.



The same goes with Github example codes as they fail with Freertos tasks stuck




Associate II

I'm also having this issue with my STM32H725ZGT6, but not my STM32H723 Nucleo board, does anyone have any updates on this issue?


ST Employee

Hello @jackmh and welcome to the Community,


Could you please share FreeRTOSConfig.h file?  

Are you use FreeRTOS with CMSIS_V1 or CMSIS_V2?

Could you please create a dedicated thread with a detailed description for your issue.


Thank you.




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Sorry for the delayed response, it turned out to simply be not giving the default task enough memory. 512+ Words seems to be needed.


I'm using STM32F746ZG-nucleo board and CubeMX 6.14.0.

Besides the stack size for Default Task, I needed to increase the stack size for ethernetif_input() task. The stack size for ethernetif_input is 350 and it overwrote the Tx semaphore which was created from heap memory.

In FreeRTOS, semaphore is implemented using queue with no payload. So it gives an error as the following.

configASSERT( pxQueue->uxItemSize == 0 ).